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Attendance Policies

When students are absent, parents should call the Student Absence Line at 651-744-3393 before 9:00 a.m. to explain the reason for your absence. Parents/ guardians can also send an email to the office:

When students arrive at school, they should immediately report to the cafeteria for breakfast or go to their lockers and begin preparing for the day. This is a good time to make sure you have all your materials for the day's classes. You should also use this time to review notes and homework. Students are not to be in the building before 8:00 a.m.

Please be on time - no later than 8:25 a.m. A bell will ring at 8:25 to remind students to report to class. When students are late, they miss the most important part of the class and a lot of extra office work must be done to deal with tardiness. If you arrive at school after 8:30, you must report to the office for an "admit slip". A written note signed by a parent/guardian is required to explain your tardiness. Only illness (a doctor's note may be required), a doctor's visit, religious holiday, or an extreme family emergency are acceptable reasons for students' tardiness.  Parent conferences may be arranged for students who are tardy too often.

Be to class on time. Plan to carry materials for two or more classes so that you don't have to stop at your locker every period. If a teacher keeps you after class you must get a note from that teacher explaining your tardiness. Class tardiness may result in detention, in-school suspension or a parent/guardian conference. 

Please send a note with your students on the morning of the planned absence or call the main office. The note should state the date, time and reason for the early dismissal. The student should bring the note to the office first thing in the morning. Office staff will give the student a pass to leave early and record their absence in the Campus system. At the time indicated on the pass, a parent or guardian must come to the school and sign student out. Families can use Door #13 (on Snelling) to enter the building. 

Extended absences from school for vacations or other reasons are sometimes unavoidable. However, planning ahead will minimize any problems with schoolwork. You should bring a note from home or send an email to attendance at at least three days before you leave.

It's the students' responsibility to make up all class work missed during a time of absence. Students can check Schoology for assignments/materials they may have missed.  We also encourage students to email teachers with questions.