Behavior Expectations
Classroom | Hallway | Cafeteria | assembly | bathroom | gym/athletic Fields | bus | |
thinker i think about... |
Bring materials to class. Be on time. Be respectful of others. |
Think about what you need for your next class. Be in class on time. Lock your locker. |
Wait patiently for your turn. Stay seated. Calm body, calm voice. Keep hands off other people’s food. |
Pay attention to the speaker. Raise your hand if you have a question or comment. |
Get in, get out. Keep bathroom clean. Have a pass if it is during class. |
Wear appropriate clothing. Bring sports equipment. Pay attention and participate. |
Stay in your seat. Keep hands and head inside bus. Sit forward. Keep walkways clear. |
Communicator i say... |
Ask for help when needed. Participate and encourage others to participate. Raise your hand. Say nice things. |
Walk and talk. Use inside voices. Use appropriate language. Say hi to others. |
Use inside voices. Be polite to lunchroom staff. Be friendly and invite others to sit with you. |
Ask your questions in a respectful manner. Remain quiet during the entire assembly. |
Tell an adult if soap or paper towels are out. Report vandalism. |
Be encouraging. Cheer others on. Use appropriate language. |
Use inside voices. Use appropriate language. |
caring i do... |
Help others if they have a problem. Keep hands and feet to yourself. |
Help others if they drop something. Keep building clean. Wave to others. |
Stack trays neatly. Clean your table. |
Look at and listen to the speaker. Politely tell people to stop talking if they are talking. |
Respect other’s privacy. Wash hands. |
Play safe. Include others. Be fair. Be a good sport. |
Keep bus clean. Make room for other people to sit down. Be polite to the bus driver. |