Social Workers
We have three social workers at Highland Park Middle School and we love working with youth and their caregivers! Amy and Emily work primarily with students who receive special education services while Katie works with students who are part of the general education population who may need additional social/emotional support or assistance during a crisis. We provide trauma-informed counseling support to students and we regularly interact with students' caregivers.
We help refer families/students who may be in need of support to community agencies. Click here to see helpful resources for students and families. If you have any questions about this list and/or a community agency please let us know.
If you have a concern about your child, want additional resource ideas for assistance and/or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!
Emily Klatt, MSW, LICSW
Amy Austin, MSW, LICSW
Katie Monroe, MSW, LICSW