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MYP mathematics expects all students to appreciate the beauty and usefulness of mathematics as a remarkable cultural and intellectual legacy of humankind, and as a valuable instrument for social and economic change in society.

MYP Aims
The aims of any MYP subject and of the personal project state in a general way what the teacher may expect to teach or do and what the student may expect to experience or learn. In addition, they suggest ways in which the teacher and the student may be changed by the learning experience. 


The aims of teaching and learning mathematics are to encourage and enable students to:


  • recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us
  • appreciate the usefulness, power, and beauty of mathematics
  • enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems
  • understand and be able to use the language, symbols, and notation of mathematics
  • develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning when solving problems
  • become confident in using mathematics to analyze and solve problems both in school and in real-life situations
  • develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathematics
  • develop abstract, logical and critical thinking and the ability to reflect critically upon their work and the work of others
  • develop a critical appreciation of the use of information and communication technology in mathematics
  • appreciate the international dimension of mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives.

Department Overview
Highland Park Middle School offers different mathematical choices. To determine which level is appropriate for your child we will refer to MCA test scores, pretest scores (given the 2nd day of class) and teacher recommendation.  Test scores are not a perfect placement indicator; other factors such as student maturity, motivation, English language proficiency, and work ethic are just as important and will be taken into account at the time of placement. 


Courses Offered

Mathematics 6

This course prepares our students for the Pre-Algebra 7 course. The objective of this course is for students to learn all content standards given by the state of Minnesota for grade 6. The four mathematics strands covered in this course are number and operation, algebra, geometry, and data analysis and probability. Specific topics include:

  1. Number Fluency
  2. Equivalencies
  3. Rational Numbers
  4. Ratios
  5. Percents
  6. Probability 
  7. Graphing
  8. Geometry
  9. Measurement

Pre-Algebra (7th grade)
This course prepares students for Algebra 1 or Algebra 1A. The objective of this course is for students to learn all content standards as given by the State of Minnesota for grade 7. The four mathematics strands covered in this course are: number and operation, algebra, geometry, and data analysis and probability. Specific topics include:

  1. Principles of Algebra
  2. Rational Numbers
  3. Graphs, Functions, and Sequences
  4. Exponents and Roots
  5. Ratios, Proportions, and Similarity
  6. Percents
  7. Foundations of Geometry
  8. Perimeter, Area, and Volume
  9. Data and Statistics
  10. Probability
  11. Multi-Step Equations and Inequalities

Algebra 1 (8th grade)
This course covers the first half of a traditional Algebra 1 course. It reviews Pre-Algebra skills and extends through linear functions, linear inequalities, and systems of linear equations. Topics covered include: 

  1. Foundations for Algebra – variables and expressions, operations with real numbers, introduction to functions
  2. Equations – solving equations, proportion, and percent
  3. Inequalities – solving simple and compound inequalities
  4. Functions – function concepts, applying functions
  5. Linear Functions – characteristics of linear functions, using a variety of forms of linear functions
  6. Systems of Equations and Inequalities – solving systems by graphing, substitution, and elimination

Intermediate Algebra
This current scope and sequence reviews and completes linear algebra from Algebra 1. It extends through polynomial operations, quadratics, data and probability. The course is intended for students who have shown mastery of Pre-Algebra concepts and skills as well as Algebra 1. Topics covered include:

  1. Reviewing Linear Functions
  2. Polynomials Operations
  3. Factoring Polynomials
  4. Quadratic Functions and Equations
  5. Data Analysis and Probability
  6. Exponential and Radical Functions