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Physical Education and Health

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Highland Park Middle School

Physical Education Course Syllabus


Teachers - Mr. Steenberg, Mr. Kim, Mr. Dillahunty


Course Summary:

P.E. meets district requirements that include fitness testing, team sports, individual sports, knowledge or rules and strategies, interpersonal skills, and reflecting on performance.  Our district standards have an increased emphasis on fitness. As such, a large emphasis is placed on physical activity and staying active. Our department strives to have our students active for at least 90 percent of the class.  Through the IB learner profile, P.E. emphasizes these characteristics: communicators, principled, caring, and risk-takers. These specific elements of the IB learner profile address some of the key characteristics a successful student would have for P.E.  To achieve our goals throughout the year we will use a variety of learning opportunities, including: small groups, teacher and student demonstrations, individuals, and large groups.


Units of Study:

Team sports/activities - Soccer, football, base games, ultimate frisbee, basketball, volleyball, speedball, hockey, lacrosse, team handball, and nitro ball.

Individual sports/activities - Fitness testing, track, badminton, pickleball, table tennis, bowling, golf, and disc golf.


Standards and IB MYP aims:

Standards - A list of our P.E. standards and benchmarks can be found at this link:

IB MYP aims - The aims of MYP physical and health education are to encourage and enable students to:

  • use inquiry to explore physical and health education concepts
  • participate effectively in a variety of contexts
  • understand the value of physical activity
  • achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • collaborate and communicate effectively
  • build positive relationships and demonstrate social responsibility
  • reflect on their learning experiences



HPMS Assessment policy - Highland uses 100% summative grading policy.  This means that only tests, presentations, and student performances are included in their final grade.  Formative assessments, such as daily work, will be used in class and they will appear on campus. However, they do not factor into the student's final grade.  The P.E. department does accept late work for all assignments and summative grades. However, because many of our assessments are movement and being physically active, they cannot be made up during class.  Much of what can be made up must be done before or after school.


IB MYP assessments - In this class, students will complete a variety or IB MYP assessments such as daily participation, performance, tests, fitness warm ups, and physical demonstrations during game play.  Assessments like these give students a chance to show their understanding and skills, and in turn, these assessments give teachers useful information which can be shared with students and families to help improve learning.


For IB assessments in this class, students are evaluated in four different areas with IB rubrics:


Criterion A

Knowing and Understanding

Students develop knowledge and understanding about health and physical activity in order to identify and solve problems

Criterion B

Planning for Performance

Students through inquiry design, analyze, evaluate and perform a plan in order to improve performance in physical and health education

Criterion C

Applying and Performing

Students develop and apply practical skills, techniques, strategies and movement concepts through their participation in a variety of physical activities

Criterion D

Reflecting and Improving


Students enhance their personal and social development, set goals, take responsible action and reflect on their performance and the performance of others


IB MYP rubrics use an 8 point international scale, with 8 representing “excellent achievement” and 0-1 representing “limited achievement.”  These assessments will be converted to a standard A, B, C, D, N scale and the achievement level will appear on the rubric. Parents & guardians, please ask your student to share their rubrics with you.


Additional Information:

Dress - Changing for P.E. is optional.  Locker rooms and additional time will be provided for those students that want to change.  If the student does not want to change, their clothes must be appropriate for physical activity.  Clothing and shoes are never an excuse to not participate.

Interpersonal Skills - The four IB learner profile characteristics listed in the course summary identify the attitude that will lead to a fun and successful year in P.E.  This means that the students will show great sportsmanship and participation throughout the year. This is a summative assessment.

Warm Up - There will be a daily fitness warm up at the beginning of each class.  The goal of the warm up is to increase the skills and physical abilities needed to perform well on the fitness tests.  This is graded under interpersonal skills.

Fitness Testing - Students will be tested once a quarter on static push-ups, wall sit, plank, and the pacer test.  This is graded on the student's performance.

1st quarter = Pre-test.  2nd quarter = 1st Formative.  3rd quarter = 2nd Formative - 4th quarter = Summative.


Thank you and we are looking forward to a great year.  Please contact us if you have any questions.



This course will require students to demonstrate understanding of the impact of nutrition, food selection, safety, and eating patterns on health. They will study the consequences of using tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs; the signs and symptoms of health problems that affect adolescents; sexual responsibility; how to prevent communicable diseases, HIV, and sexually transmitted disease/infections and pregnancy; and the basic structures and systems of the human body.

This course will offer students opportunities to explore career and education options so as to make informed decisions about future life choices

Health Syllabus

Course Syllabus


Mr. Kim Highland Park Middle School

Health Education Room: 3405

Course Description

Health Education curriculum is in place to meet the National Health Education and Saint Paul Public School Power Standards for all SPPS middle school students.  Health Education is crucial to enhance the overall health and well-being of individuals and their respective communities.  Health will provide students with knowledge, attitudes, and skills to make healthy decisions for life-long health and wellness.  The course fulfills the St. Paul Public Schools requirements for 7th and 8th grade health education.

SPPS District Power Standards and Units:

Personal Wellness and Mental Health

Identify and explain personal health skill knowledge in order to make informed decisions.

Understand and apply good character strategies.

Identify and categorize signs and symptoms of mental health issues and investigate management techniques including community resources.

Fitness and Nutrition

Explain how exercise benefits social, mental, and physical health.

Interpret food labels and evaluate nutritional value of personal food choices.

Analyze the balance between energy input and energy output.

Tobacco, Alcohol, and other Drugs

Compare and Contrast physical, social, and mental/Emotional short-term and long- term effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

Explain the benefits of remaining drug, alcohol, and tobacco free.

Body Systems and Disease

Identify body system functions and demonstrate healthy decisions related to maintaining the health of each system.

Locate and investigate professional healthcare resources and information related to disease prevention.

First Aid and CPR

Identify proper course of action when caring for an individual that has been injured or needs medical attention.

Human Relationships

Identify and explain the physical, mental/emotional, and social risks associated with sexual activity now and in the future.

Distinguish between safe and harmful relationship characteristics and behaviors.

Demonstrate ways to communicated care, considerations, respect of self and others.

Identify and Explain male and female reproduction system.

National Health Education Standards:

Standard 1:  Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

Standard 3: Demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services enhance health.

Standard 4: Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

Standard 5: Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting to enhance health.

Standard 7: Demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Standard 8: Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.


Your grade will be based on course expectations. 


Formative and Summative Assessments (written and performance),

Projects, Assignments, Participation.


Assignments and formative assessments should be turned in to ensure feedback.  Class attendance is important.  If you miss class and need information regarding missed assignments, please ask a reliable student, or see your teacher before or after school

You are held accountable for your Health books and any equipment or supplies you use. A fee for the books would be added to your student account for any lost items.


Dear Parent/Guardian:

Health class will provide information and experiences to motivate students to maintain mental, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual well-being.  It is our hope that all students will develop a greater understanding of what it takes to develop a healthy lifestyle, to develop behavioral patterns that are personally and socially responsible, and to avoid actions that are harmful to themselves and others.  I would like to take this opportunity to encourage communication between students, parents, and school.  I look forward to working with you and your child.


Mr. Kim



Please sign and return to the instructor:

I have read and understand my son/daughter’s responsibilities for Health class.                               




Phone number____________________

I have read and understand my requirements and responsibilities for Health class.

Student signature____________________________________ Hour_________

Printed name of student__________________________________________

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