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Learning Disabilities

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Welcome to the LD Department

We service students with Learning Disabilities, Other Health Disabilities and Physical Impairments.  We offer a range of services for each individual student's needs.

LD Staff

*Kelly Blomquist
    - Reading Strategies Grade 8
    - Reading Strategies Grade 7
    - Co-Taught ELA 7 and 8

*Jill Carow 
    - Reading Strategies Grades 6 and 7 
    - Co-Taught ELA 6  

*Rory Martin  
    - Math Concepts 6   
    - Pre-Algebra Concepts   
    - Algebra 1 Concepts
    - Co-Taught Pre-Algebra 7 and Algebra 1

*Mary Tehvin
    - Program Assistant

*Leticia DeLaRosa
     -Program Assistant (Spanish Immersion)

Courses Offered

Reading Strategies/Reading in the Content – is an intensive reading course designed to assist struggling readers in moving toward grade level reading skills.  Reading Strategies focuses on expanding vocabulary skills, improving comprehension skills and strengthening listening and independent reading skills.  Reading Strategies is designed for those students whose standardized test scores and classroom-based assessment results indicate he/she is reading at one or more grade levels below his or her peers.  The course fulfills the district requirements that struggling readers be offered additional assistance during the school day. The class includes whole group instruction, small group instruction, and additional time for independent practice and reading.

Math 6 Concepts – A small class for students in grade 6  who have significant delays in basic math skills.  The Holt math 6 book is used with modifications to the units as needed per the students' IEPs.

Pre-Algebra Concepts and Algebra 1 Concepts - A small class for students in grades 7 and 8 who have significant delays in basic math skills.  The students study the first half of the pre-algebra curriculum using the Holt series.

Co-Taught Classes – Students may receive instruction toward their IEP goals within the regular education classes.  The classes are co-taught with a special education teacher and a regular education teacher.  At this time co-taught classes are ELA 6, 7, 8,  Pre-Algebra, and Algebra 1.

Here are just a few tips that will help you be successful at Highland Park Junior High...
1.  Organize your materials
2. View your grades on Schoology on a regular basis
3. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
4. Get involved. Try out for sports and/or clubs.