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World Languages

Four people in red shirts in front of HP mural

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program

World Languages at HPMS

Highland Middle School students are required to enroll in a world language course every school year, unless they are in a reading, math or other support class.   The intent of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program is that students would take the same world language from 6th to 10th grade in order to acquire proficiency in a new language.   For example, a student taking Chinese in 6th grade, would stay with Chinese through 10th grade.

IB-MYP World Language Aims

The aims of all MYP subjects state what a teacher may expect to teach and what a student may expect to experience and learn. These aims suggest how the student may be changed by the learning experience.

An overarching aim of teaching and learning languages is to enable the student to become a critical and competent communicator.

The aims of the teaching and learning of MYP language acquisition are to:

  • gain proficiency in an additional language while supporting maintenance of their mother tongue and cultural heritage
  • develop a respect for, and understanding of, diverse linguistic and cultural heritages
  • develop the student’s communication skills necessary for further language learning, and for study,work and leisure in a range of authentic contexts and for a variety of audiences and purposes
  • enable the student to develop multiliteracy skills through the use of a range of learning tools, such as multimedia, in the various modes of communication
  • enable the student to develop an appreciation of a variety of literary and non-literary texts and to develop critical and creative techniques for comprehension and construction of meaning
  • enable the student to recognize and use language as a vehicle of thought, reflection, self-expression and learning in other subjects, and as a tool for enhancing literacy
  • enable the student to understand the nature of language and the process of language learning, which comprises the integration of linguistic, cultural and social components
  • offer insight into the cultural characteristics of the communities where the language is spoken
  • encourage an awareness and understanding of the perspectives of people from own and other cultures, leading to involvement and action in own and other communities
  • foster curiosity, inquiry and a lifelong interest in, and enjoyment of, language learning.

IB-MYP World Language Objectives

The objectives are also the means of assessment for students at HPMS.  The student will be assessed primarily on the four objectives below.

A         Comprehending spoken and visual text

As appropriate to the phase, the student is expected to be able to:

  • listen for specific purposes and respond to show understanding
  • interpret visual text that is presented with spoken text
  • engage with the text by supporting opinion and personal response with evidence and examples from the text.

B          Comprehending written and visual text

As appropriate to the phase, the student is expected to be able to:

  • read for specific purposes and respond to show understanding
  • interpret visual text that is presented with written text
  • engage with the text by supporting opinion and personal response with evidence and examples from the text.

C       Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text

As appropriate to the phase, the student is expected to be able to:

  • interact and communicate in various situation
  • express thoughts, feelings, ideas, opinions and information in spoken and written form
  • speak and write for specific purposes.

D         Using language in spoken and written form

As appropriate to the phase, the student is expected to be able to:

  • organize thoughts, feelings, ideas, opinions and information in spoken and written form
  • develop accuracy when speaking and writing in the target language.



Did you know that more than 577 million people speak Spanish with more than 42 million Spanish speakers in the United States?  Begin a journey of becoming proficient in Spanish and join one of the fastest growing language populations.  Level 1A Spanish focuses on getting to know others, navigating the classroom, expressing likes and dislikes, describing yourself and your emotions, your friends and family, making plans and discussing obligations, ordering food, asking questions, and talking about people and places you know.  Level 1B Spanish focuses on extending invitations, describing what just happened and what is happening, expressing preferences and making comparisons, choosing transportation and giving instructions, bargaining and saying where you went.  Level two focuses on describing daily routines, grooming, chores, persuading others, describing past activities, expressing extremes, using Spanish in the workplace, planning a meal and a party and negotiating responsibilities.  We will also explore the geography, history and culture of the Spanish-speaking world.  Within a school year you can also expect to cook Latin American food and visit the MN Zoo during their Spanish-language days.


Allez, viens! Come on, let’s learn French!

Learning French gives you access to the history and culture of France and French-speaking countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and North America that speak the language.  Our daily study of French in class and in the computer lab in Level 1 includes: Faisons connaissance – getting acquainted, La vie courante – everyday life in France; Qu’est-ce qu’on fait? – activities we do at home, school, and around town, and Le monde personnel et familier: family and school life, talking about what we have, and expressing opinions.  In Level 2, you will learn more about, En ville – visiting a French city (review), Le shopping – shopping in France and Francophone countries, Le temps libre – leisure-time Activities.  On y va? Shall we go?


Come and explore your Chinese self at Highland Park Middle School.  Become part of our K-14 Chinese program.  Enjoy the culture and arts of China. Try your hand at calligraphy, celebrate the holidays and sample foods.  Plan and run a Tea House celebration for classmates.  Our classroom computers allow us to type in Chinese and use software programs that will offer tools for independent learning.   Level one Chinese is all about learning to describe and introduce yourself, your family, friends and your feelings.  We practice and become comfortable playing the part of host and guest.  Level two Chinese gets us through our day; how to explain our decisions, give instructions, and make appointments.  We learn to shop and read Chinese menus and stories.  We type and even handwrite essays in Chinese characters.

In This Section


Madame Propson (French)

Señor Springer (Spanish)

Lin Laoshi (Mandarin Immersion - Science)

Zhang Laoshi (Mandarin Immersion- Language Arts)