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Dress Code Policy

Highland Park Middle School Dress Code Policy

Student Rights/Opportunities:

Students have the right to choose their manner of dress and personal grooming unless:

  • it presents a clear danger to the student's health or safety
  • it causes an interference with school or work
  • it creates a classroom or school disorder


Students are responsible for wearing clothes that are appropriate for school. To maintain a safe learning environment, student dress cannot be a health and/or safety hazard, obscene, sexually explicit or discriminatory.

The following is not permitted:

  • Clothing that displays images or language that is racist, sexist, profane, or otherwise derogatory
  • Clothing that displays images or language depicting/suggesting drugs, alcohol, vaping, tobacco or other products that are illegal for minors.
  • Clothing that displays images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class or consistency marginalized groups.
  • No blankets. Classrooms can be chilly in winter. Dress in layers.

Policy Specifics

  • Undergarments must be covered at all times.
  • Clothing must cover the front, back and sides.
  • Footwear is required. (No slippers).

SPPS Student Dress Code

  • The principal or the principal's designee shall mandate minimum standards or cleanliness or neatness.
  • There shall be no other restrictions except as previously stated, on any student's hairstyle or manner of dress unless the hairstyle or manner of dress presents a clear and present danger to the student's health and safety, causes an interference with work or creates classroom or school disorder.

HPMS Dress Code Policy