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Class Expectations

Joanne Greenbaum %22Prom Queen%22 

Joanne Greenbaum "Prom Queen"


Beyond the obvious expectations of any classroom, (present, prepared, prompt, etc.) the art class has additional expectations. 


The number one rule is RESPECT.  Respect of tools and equipment, respect of others in the classroom, and respect for each others’ work. Workstations will be clean and orderly. Students will use tools properly, and the safety of all is a priority. 


The second rule is EFFORT.  All students will participate in class discussions, presentations, and projects.  All students are at different stages of the artistic development.  The goal of the class is growth, not fabulous art. The process is so much more valuable than the product. 


The last expectation is EXPLORATION.  Students should try new techniques, media, and ideas. There will be some unsuccessful attempts, but this is where we all grow, develop, and learn the most.


What is a Process Journal?

  • Each art student has an MYP Process Journal that will be kept in the art room for the year.  A PJ is a written record of a student's artistic development.  The purpose of the process journal is to encourage and influence artistic communication and critical thinking, both through drawing and writing.  The PJ holds all written responses (including warm-ups), sketchbook practice, information on the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, as well as drawing projects and assessments.


Make-Up Policy

It is the expectation that summative assessments are completed to the best of a student's ability and turn in on time.  On the rare occasion that a student would like to put in more work to improve their achievement level once graded and returned, they must accomplish the following in order to be granted a redo: (1) turned in the original work on or before the due date, (2) conferenced with the teacher, (3) written a proposal explaining what and how the work will be improved, inluding a parent signature.